en Français
in English


Ortho4vets Academy will support you, as a veterinarian surgeon, during your learning process into the veterinary orthopaedic surgery. Shearing experiences & learning is our main goal during workshops. Drylabs and/or wet labs are integrated. After a workshop, you must feel comfortable to start using the technique.

Interested in one of our future workshops, let us know. We keep you updated.

Click here if you want to join Workshops
Click here if you’re interested in future Courses and Training

Maarten Lejaeghere

15 years of sales & marketing support into the Veterinary Market, with more than 10 years focus on veterinary orthopaedic surgery.<br>After 10 years of distribution of orthopaedic instruments & implants via, since September 2019 the activity of was acquired by Maarten and relaunched under the name of Ortho4vets.

Yves Samoy

  • EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Member of ECVSMR
  • Boardmember ECVSMR
  • 2003 graduation Dr. Med. Vet.
  • 2011 graduation PhD
  • The developing surgeon behind the TTA Rapid technique
  • In charge of the Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy Unit at Ghent University
  • Author or co-author of several orthopaedic publications in international journals

Geert Verhoeven

  • EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
  • Member of ECVS
  • 1993 graduation Dr. Med. Vet.
  • 2008 graduation DECVS
  • 2011 graduation PhD
  • Visting Professor Faculty Veterinary Medicine Ghent University since 2013
  • Senior Staff member Algemene Dierenkliniek Randstad Borsbeek

Stijn Samoy

Stijn Samoy has more than 10 years of experience as Surgery Theatre Manager at University of Ghent, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Small Animals. Since 2020 Stijn is working at ORSI Academy as process manager and In this function he’s responsible for the setup and support of different types of workshops.

During the workshops, Stijn will organise the “setting”. So the correct instrument will be at the correct moment and place.

I want to join Workshops

Formation francophone TPLO

Formation francophone TPLO

Formation francophone TPLO

Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à un cours exclusif sur la TPLO, qui se tiendra le jeudi 19 septembre 2024 à l'élégant hôtel Mama Shelter à Lille.

Détails du cours :

Date : Jeudi 19 septembre 2024
Lieu : Hôtel Mama Shelter, Lille
Présentateur : Dr Yves Samoy, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVSMR, CCRP
Coût : €1250 (hors TVA)
Inscription : Veuillez réserver votre place en cliquant sur le bouton d'inscription ci-dessous.
Ordre du jour :

Matin et Après-midi : Sessions de présentation dirigées par Dr Yves Samoy.
Fin de journée : Dry lab (os artificiels) permettant aux participants de pratiquer immédiatement ce qu'ils ont appris au cours de la journée.
Important : La langue d'enseignement pour l'ensemble du cours sera le français.

Cette formation est une opportunité unique d'améliorer votre expertise dans les procédures TPLO sous la direction d'un professionnel renommé. Profitez des dernières recherches, participez à des travaux pratiques et rencontrez vos pairs dans un environnement propice à l'apprentissage.

Inscription :
Pour vous enregistrer à ce cours exclusif, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous.

Si vous avez des questions ou souhaitez obtenir de plus amples informations, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter à l'adresse suivante :

Nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir au cours TPLO à l'hôtel Mama Shelter pour une expérience enrichissante et éducative.

CTWO course

CTWO course

CTWO course

We are delighted to extend an invitation to you for the CTWO Course, taking place at Van der Valk Hotel in Tiel, Netherlands. This course offers a unique opportunity to delve into the latest developments in CTWO, with the goal of enhancing your knowledge and skills.

Course Details:

Name: CTWO Course
Location: Van der Valk Hotel, Laan van Westroyen 10, 4003 AZ Tiel, Netherlands
Date: October 10, 2024
Course Fee: 1.250€
Registration: 8:30 AM
Start of Presentations: 9:00 AM

We are pleased to present two distinguished speakers:

Dr. Yves Samoy, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVSMR, CCRP
2. Dr Geert Verhoeven, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVS

Presentations will cover the latest developments and techniques related to CTWO. The day will conclude with an engaging Dry Lab, providing hands-on experience with saw bones. This practical component offers a unique opportunity to directly apply and reinforce the knowledge gained throughout the day.

You can easily register by clicking the button below.

We look forward to welcoming you to this engaging course, and we hope it will be a valuable and enriching experience for you.

Best regards,
Ortho4vets Academy

Upcoming Two-Day TPLO course

Upcoming Two-Day TPLO course

Upcoming Two-Day TPLO course

This comprehensive course will be hosted at the prestigious ORSI Academy in Melle.

Course Details:
- Date: Thursday, 7th and Friday, 8th November 2024
- Venue: ORSI Academy, Melle
- Cost: €1750 (excluding VAT)
- Registration: Please secure your spot by clicking the registration button below.

- Day 1: Presentation sessions led by distinguished speakers, closure with a hands-on dry lab experience (saw bones)
- Day 2: Practical application focus with wet labs (cadavers)

1. Dr. Yves Samoy, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVSMR, CCRP
2. Prof. Dr. Geert Verhoeven, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVS

This course promises a unique opportunity to enhance your expertise in TPLO procedures under the guidance of renowned professionals. Gain insights from the latest research, participate in hands-on labs, and connect with peers in a conducive learning environment.

To register for this exclusive course, please click on the button below.

Should you have any inquiries or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Kindly note that the language of instruction for the entire course will be English.

We look forward to welcoming you to the TPLO course at ORSI Academy for an enriching and educational experience.

Best regards,

I’m interested in future Courses and Training

Intensive arthroscopy training course

Intensive arthroscopy training course

Intensive arthroscopy training course

Intensive arthroscopy training course

For basic and more advanced surgeons who want to improve their arthroscopic skills. A unique opportunity to practice your arthroscopic skills under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Bernadette Van Ryssen.

Lectures of experts in the field and case-based discussions combined with over 10 hours of hands-on wet lab sessions will provide participants with a basic, fundamental knowledge of the arthroscopic approach of several joints, learn them to interpret diagnostic findings and train them to perform the most common arthroscopic treatment techniques.

5 wet labs & 1 dry lab : Elbow, shoulder and stifle joint
3 Days of practical training

English will be the workshop language.

Course instructors
Prof. Dr. Bernadette Van Ryssen; DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVSMR
Dr. Geert Verhoeven; DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVS
Dr. Yves Samoy; DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVSMR
Dr. Evelien de Bakker, DVM, PhD, Fully trained ECVS resident

Fracture Management - Locking Plates -

Fracture Management - Locking Plates -

Fracture Management - Locking Plates -

Fracture Management - Locking Plates -

For surgeons who want to improve their surgery skills into the technique of fracture management.

Lectures of experts in the field and case-based discussions combined dry & wet lab sessions will provide participants with a basic, fundamental knowledge of fracture management

Decision making - Planning (positioning and measurements x-rays) - Approach - Plate fixation

Dr. Yves Samoy, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVSMR, CCRP
Prof. dr. Geert Verhoeven, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVS

workshop will be hosted by Orsi Academy (Melle, Ghent).

English will be the workshop language.






For surgeons who want to improve their surgery skills into the technique CBLO & CTWO.

Lectures of experts in the field and case-based discussions combined dry & wet lab sessions will provide participants with a basic, fundamental knowledge of fracture management

2-Days workshop, Thursday June 30th & Friday July 1st 2022.

Course instructors
Prof. Dr. Geert Verhoeven; Dipl. ECVS
Dr. Yves Samoy; Dipl. ECVSMR

workshop will be hosted by Orsi Academy (Melle, Ghent).

English will be the workshop language.

let us know if you're interested, via the button hereunder

cursus voor de paraveterinair orthopedie

cursus voor de paraveterinair orthopedie

cursus voor de paraveterinair orthopedie

Opleiding voor de paraveterinair orthopedie

Dr. Geert Verhoeven; DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVS
Dr. Yves Samoy; DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVSMR
Dr. Tim Bosman; DVM
Stijn Samoy

Deze opleiding is ontworpen om de vaardigheden en kennis van dierenartsassistenten op het gebied van orthopedische zorg te versterken. De sprekers, gerenommeerde professionals in hun vakgebied, zullen diverse onderwerpen behandelen en ruimte bieden voor interactie en vragen.

Chirurgische Voorbereiding
Instrumentensets en Chirurgische Ondersteuning
Anesthesie Monitoring en Signaalherkenning
Instrumenten Reinigen, Verpakken en Steriliseren
Nazorg patiënt en Fysiotherapie
Gelegenheid tot vragen en discussie

Interesse in deze cursus. Maak een volledig vrijblijvende pré-registratie via de knop hieronder. Zodra gekend wanneer de cursus ingepland kan/zal worden, sturen wij u een uitnodiging

TTA Rapid Training Course

TTA Rapid Training Course

TTA Rapid Training Course

TTA Rapid Training Course

Interested in TTA Rapid surgical techniques?
This is your workshop!

For surgeons who want to improve their surgery skills into the technique of TTA Rapid Surgery.

Lectures of experts in the field and case-based discussions combined with dry & wet lab sessions will provide participants with a basic, fundamental knowledge of the technique of TTA Rapid.



In the near future, webinars will be organised.

Topics : veterinary orthopaedic surgery

make a registration - via the button here under, so we can send you an invitation.
Or keep an eye on this website.

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